Auckland dentist, dentistry

Tips on when to replace your porcelain veneers and how to keep it in good condition

The dissemination of porcelain veneers in the market is the proof why it is being loved by the people having problems related to teeth. Porcelain veneers have come a long way and become more reliable with a good reason that it has brought a smile on faces. Dental centre in New Zealand has evolved a lot in the field of dentistry and performed remarkably well over the years. At royal oak dental, we go through the extensive research of your dental problems and decide accordingly whether porcelain veneers are good for you or not.

Porcelain veneers in today’s date are one of the optimal treatments you can think of if you are not happy with your smiles or feel hesitant before smiling. It gives you a good reason to be hanging on it than going for some temporary alternative treatment. Undoubtedly, porcelain veneers work the best for your unstructured and crooked teeth but it also needs maintenance in order to sustain the longevity. Proper maintenance and oral care prolong the lifespan of porcelain veneers even if cared properly, veneers may need replacement at some point. So, here are some ways that can increase the lifespan of porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers can last for 8 -10 years if properly cared

Porcelain veneers in New Zealand are the best solution to keep the lustre of the teeth alive but it can get affected too by the hard substance it comes in contact with while eating. So proper upkeep is essential from the dentist who will give you advice on what could be used as proper solutions or what precaution needs to be taken. Poor oral hygiene gives rise to dental problems. So, avoiding foregoing regular brushing, skipping dental visits and chewing hard object reduce the lifespan of porcelain veneers. So, following these process will help your teeth last long or else it can lead to decay of teeth. If you chew hard items like fingernails, pen caps, or ice can chip, they can damage your porcelain veneers.

Practicing proper oral hygiene keep your teeth and gums healthy and your veneers also remain at their best. It is highly recommended to use a soft bristled brush on a regular basis or else the teeth might get damaged due to excessive use of normal brushes. Visiting experienced dental hygienist in Auckland for regular check-ups is a must to ensure the long life for veneers followed by that you will be able to detect the problem and take initiatives accordingly.

Replacement of porcelain veneers

Veneers need proper care like a natural tooth otherwise they get damaged before time. Regular brushing, dental visits and flossing are essential for the good life of veneers. However, despite proper care, there comes a time when your porcelain veneers need replacement. If you are properly caring for veneers, it will last about 10 years before you replace it. Some of the reasons as to why you need porcelain veneer replacement are.

Dental decay- Veneers cover the front part of your teeth, but the tooth structure is always vulnerable to decay. Cavities start forming due to the regular use of the eatables. If this happens, you need to be careful and remove or replace the veneers. Visit the doctor, he will remove the dental decay so that your veneers remain in the good condition.

Loosened veneer- Over time, the materials used to strengthen the veneer get weakened from daily wear and tear. A loosed veneer makes the tooth vulnerable as a result of which plaque and bacteria take place, which gets accumulated under the veneer and result in decay and cavities. Loose veneers create problems for you while eating anything, so it should immediately be replaced to protect your dental health.

Damaged veneer- Chewing hard items such as metal or plastic pens may harm your veneers and fracture porcelain veneers. If a veneer gets damaged, it needs immediate replacement or else it gets worse. To keep your teeth in good condition, a regular check-up is must so that it remains healthy and looks good.

Colour difference is noticeable-  A porcelain veneer looks different than the natural teeth. If natural teeth get discoloured or yellow. Then, veneers are remade and replaced to match the colour difference of natural teeth. Natural teeth start losing its whitening over a period of time which is not a case with a porcelain veneer. That is why it is remade or replaced so that it looks good.

Porcelain veneers are an optimal solution that can quickly transform your smile. If ever you come across that your teeth are unstructured, crooked or misaligned. Then, porcelain veneers solution is for you that can give you your lost smile.

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